
El Al Israel, Turkish, Norwegian Airlines & Lufthansa Boeing 747 CHEMTRAILS / GEOENGINEERING

El Al Israel, Turkish, Norwegian Airlines & Lufthansa Boeing 747 CHEMTRAILS / GEOENGINEERING Commercial Aircraft as well as some Private Business Class / Biz Jet & Military Aircraft have been modified to disperse Nanotechnology & Nanoparticles including toxic to health and life heavy metals for Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management programs.

Aerosol / Climate Geoengineering "Chemtrails" are sprayed around and near the Sun to block or reflect Sun / light & heat for "Climate Change" - All Mainstream organisations including the news media, Hollywood, movies, corporate companies, government bodies and political parties are involved in the cover up.

Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace, Green party, and other "Mainstream" well known Earth / Activist groups will also deny Chemtrails / Aircraft Emissions and the blocking of sun light is a problem. They are being used to introduce and get people to accept / demand Carbon Taxes and more Restrictions for Agenda 2030 Smart Cities.

Alongside Chemtrails, Tree's worldwide are being Removed to install new 5G Internet of Things "Smart Grid" Network which uses stronger Milimetre wave signals which are weaponized for negative harmful use, untested and toxic to health with extreme levels of radiation pollution.

5G Smart Cities & Chemtrails are part of Transhumanism / Transhumanist, Agenda 21 *Agenda 2030* and "Sustainable Development" Smart Cities which are connected to Internet of Things "Smart Grid" and America 2050 / Georgia Guidestones , Depopulation plans and creating profit from sickness and disease.

Who's involved: United Nations, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Harvard University, University of Calgary, David Keith, Local Governments Worldwide, Private Weather Modification companies, Commercial Airliners, Big Pharma, Occult / Secret Societies "Deep State" / Shadow Government "Elite" / and Bilderberg Group members...

#Brexit #Trump #NorthKorea #Russia #War #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction - Illuminati Distractions !
Don't buy the Divide & Conqour "Psyops" *psychological operations* and Lies put in place to keep you distracted, confused, fighting each other and looking down!

Watch Frankenskies The Movie! (Also on YouTube)

Look Up, Wake Up & Research!

Check out David Yates' channel & videos

Israel,El Al Israel,Turkish Airlines,Norwegian Airlines,Lufthansa,Airlines,Airliner,Airliners,Aircraft,Boeing,747,748,747800,747-800,Chemtrails,Geoengineering,Agenda 21,Agenda 2030,UN,Smart Cities,Smart Grid,5G,Smart Meters,Climate Change,Climate Action,Climate Emergency,Extinction Rebellion,Greenpeace,Green Party,Solar Radiation Management,Georgia Guidestones,Earth,New World Order,Depopulation,Sheffield,Yorkshire,UK,United Nations,Brexit,Trump,Contrails,

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