Actor Vivek Oberoi stoked controversy after he shared a meme on his Twitter account, making fun of actor Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan. Several people condemned Vivek's tweet. Sonam Kapoor called it "disgusting and classless". Vivek later reacted to Sonam's remark and advised her to overact less in her films and overreact less on social media. Vivek's tweet also garnered attention from the National Commission of Women. NCW issued a notice to the actor demanding an explanation. Vivek asked what was wrong in the tweet and said he won't apologize.
Vivek Oberoi,Aishwarya Rai Bachchan,Vivek Oberoi twitter,Vivek Oberoi meme,Vivek Oberoi tweet,Aishwarya Rai,Salman Khan,