
The Dark Side of Desire that is RUINING Your life (and you don't even know it)

The Dark Side of Desire that is RUINING Your life (and you don't even know it) Once you understand The Dark Side of Desire that is RUINING Your life, everything INSTANTLY changes. This video I'll show you EXACTLY how to SHIFT to your ideal reality. This POWERFUL process makes manifestation SO MUCH EASIER.

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This video. I'm going to be sharing with you the dark side of desire that may be ruining your life. I'm going to show you a better way to go about the process that can totally change your life.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you the dark side of desire that may be ruining your life and understanding a new way for going about the process, and this is something that we may have been told for many, many years.

It's the old school way of going about it when it comes to the law of attraction. It's the thing I know. I read it. It originally and a think and grow rich talks about a white hot burning desire and how that can get you success and it is true. Desire can get you results. However, there's a dark side to it and there's a better way to go about it.

That's what I'm going to be sharing with you in this video. So first off, let me just explain it like this. When we have a desire and we say that we really, really, what's this pixel hard open. Anyways, when we say that "I want", which is another way of saying I desire... when we say I want something vibrationally, when we talk about vibration, vibrationally it's seen as "I do not have", which then implies I do not have enough.

So many times the desire will reflect back to us a luck in our life as if we're already lacking in something. And many times this is actually derived from the sense of self worth. How do we feel about ourselves now? Do you remember or have you seen the quote before of that of Buddha that says the desire is the root of all suffering. Desire is the root of all suffering.

That something that is one of the most classic Buddha statements that we know that I've heard in many, I've seen it many, many times before and it's a little bit counterintuitive. You think will desired, brings freedom. Desire brings the ability to take action, the ability to achieve goals. Well, that might be a more positive side of desire, but many times what happens is this is what happens.

People from the Ego perspective, here's my classic stick-figure from the Ego's perspective, the ego wants more desires to become more, just desires to become bigger in some way. And what it does is it takes action. It does things to get itself to feel better, to feel better about itself, to feel bigger. But what happens is eventually this person, we'll get there where they have the desire, but guess what will happen?

They'll want more. It's a mentality. Desire is a state of consciousness that some people remain in their whole entire lives and for many people can end up ruining their lives. There are many people that become successful because of desire, because they are making a certain amount of money.

They want to make more and it does. They desire, they take action to make more. But what ends up happening is once they get that more, they still feel a sense of lack. They still don't feel worthy, whole and complete. I've experienced this firsthand when in my mind I was very curious. In my mind, I was thinking, oh, when I started making youtube videos, I was like, once I hit 100000 youtube subscribers, it's going to feel amazing.

I'll have made it then. But I remember I woke up one morning, I went to bed one night at 98,000 or 97,000 subscribers and I was like, okay, I'm going to make a video like a, a Q and a thank you Qa to the subscribers. Once I hit 100,000 I went to bed one night, woke up the next day at 101,000 I had a video that went viral overnight and when it went viral it I got like two or 3000 subscribers in one day.

And I woke up and I was like, Whoa, this is really cool. I went to the gym, I was there for like an hour. I was on this little cardio bike thing and then what happened is I eventually sat there and I was like, Huh, this doesn't really feel that much different. And then I upped it in my mind and I said 200,000. I started identifying with the future again. And I lived out that pattern for a very long time. Even after...

Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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