
Manifestation Mandalas to Effortless Reprogram your Mind and Heart

Manifestation Mandalas to Effortless Reprogram your Mind and Heart An effortless reprogramming of your mind, heart body and soul. Dissolve the blocks and limitations with your own unique aura mandala in motion. You can reprogram the past conditioning so you can be free to be the real you and manifest your dreams.

Your Empowering Mandala in transformative motion is extremely impacting on your cellular memory to release the conditioning you have turned into law that keeps you from all you desire. It will reprogram the vicious cycle of repeated painful patterns; shifting them to your God Gene so you may get clear on your passionate purpose and live your highest expression.

All you do is watch and listen to your personalized high frequency colors, symbols and sounds...Doesn't get any easier than this. Let your healing begin.

Guided Meditation,Psychic Readings,Aura,Life Coaching,Metaphysics,Spirituality,abundance,healing mandala,reprogram cells,high frequency healing,

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