
Divine Feminine Rising The Visitation, My story

Divine Feminine Rising The Visitation, My story Divine Feminine Rising

So this week I have a really beautiful video for you, that to be honest I've been hiding for far too long. It's about a VISITATION I had a few years ago from a spiritual being, called Wise Woman. 

She gave me a message for women everywhere and especially if you have felt called to work with Divine Feminine or Goddess energy.  
If you are currently hosting circles for women this video will make a lot of sense for you.  

I had this visitation right before the #MeToo movement.  Wise Woman told me there was a period of about three years coming that would bring in a huge wave of women's projects, a focus on women in work, politics,  relationships, life and equality would have a spotlight and so much change was coming.  

Yesterday I watched the latest 'Men In Black' movie with my kids and was blown away that there was a new FEMALE lead Tessa Thompson. These last few months I've watching Marianne Williamson run for President of the US with her message of love and a call for a new kind of moral politics.

These are just some of the tiny pieces of a puzzle that's been assembling during this time. 

On 22nd September this energy is completing and while this wave will continue, I'd love to take a moment with you on Sunday to just honour the Goddess within each of us and how accessing this feminine energy is a huge and important part of our future on earth.  Have you felt how things are just changing? 

I've seen more change in the area of women's empowerment in the last three years than I have in my whole life.  You too?

Join me for our live call on Sunday morning 22nd September at 11:11am GMT.

To join me on Sunday just hit reply and let me know so I can send you a personal invite. The event is completely free but you will need an invitation to access it. 

You can watch the Visitation Video and add your comment below, I'd love to hear what you think and how it helps you personally.  Each time I watch it I get another layer of understanding and insight and I hope you will too. 

Please SHARE this video with anyone you know who needs this message now. 

So much LOVE to you today and throughout the week.

Aishling xxxxx

P.s.  I normally talk about Angels and Spiritual business for lightworkers and while this might seem new or different, it's something I've wanted to share with you for a long time and I have no idea when I'll do it again. So do try to join us in person I think it's going to be really beautiful. 
If you can't make it in person I'll send you the REPLAY but make sure you email me so I know you want it.

Watch the video and comment below

Come over to to continue the conversation.

#Angels #Goddess #EarthAngel #Message forWomen #DivineFeminineRising

Goddess,earth angels,lightworkers,angels,archangels,divine feminine,Aishling Mooney,Spiritual healing,Reiki,Crustal healing,Message for women,Wise Woman,Angel Messages,

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