
Golden Nuggets Live #794 - Identifying & Binding the Blocks in Your Life - Min. Fitz

Golden  Nuggets Live #794 - Identifying & Binding the  Blocks in Your Life - Min. Fitz Golden Nuggets Live #794 - Identifying & Binding the Blocks in Your Life - Min. Fitz continues his theme from lesson #791 on how we MUST use our authority and speak to whatever demonic spirits that a part of what is blocking our blessings in life, amen. Today's topic focuses on identifying the blocks in your life and once identified you now will know what to call out by name along with the devil and command them to take their hands off of whatever part of your life that is being blocked, in the name of Jesus. This lesson focuses on 10 areas to self-check in your life to make sure nothing is blocking these areas in your life. (1) Your faith walk and relationship with God (Is.26:3; Prov.3:5-6) , (2) Unrest in your family (Ex. 14:13-14), (3) Attacks on your health and well-being (1 Pet.2:24), (4) Causes of Work hurt and/or church hurt (Is.54:17); (5) Strongholds from your past (2 Cor.5:17); (6) What feeds your vices and/or addictions? (1 Cor.6:15-20); (7) What feeds your fears and doubt? (2 Cor.10:5-6; 2 Tim.1:7), (8) What is blocking your finances? (Phil.4:19; Ps.23:1), (9) What is blocking your dreams & goals? (Phil.1:6, 3:14; Rom.8:28; Matt.6:33), and (10) What is block seeing & receiving your miracle (Phil.4:13; Matt.19:26). (9/5/2019)
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Golden Nuggets,Min. Fitz Houston,Faith Hope Help Ministries,Mighty Warriors For Christ International Fellowship,daily bible study,online fellowship,praise and worship,Christianity,Word of God,

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