
Speak English with confidence by fixing common errors | 'sometime' or 'some time'? (EZEE #2)

Speak English with confidence by fixing common errors | 'sometime' or 'some time'? (EZEE #2) Speak English more fluently and confidently by correcting vocabulary and grammar mistakes that you can easily fix. In this lesson, we'll look at how to use ‘sometimes’, 'sometime', and 'some time'. Quick Quiz: Choose the correct sentence:
a) I’ll call you some time tomorrow.
b) I’ll call you sometime tomorrow.
c) I’ll call you sometimes tomorrow.

If in doubt, watch this lesson to learn the difference between countable and uncountable ‘time’.
00:00 Introduction
01:32 Explanation
04:24 Summary
05:30 Exercises

Related lessons:
'a unit' or 'an unit'? (EZEE #1)
Quantifiers (some, any, much, many, little, few):

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A little about me:
Hello everyone! My name is Minoo, and I am originally from Iran. I speak English, French, Persian, some Spanish, and a little bit of German.

I became a DELTA-qualified EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher and teacher trainer in the UK in 1984. Three years later, I moved to Belgium, where I taught English and directed residential English courses for 15 years, before returning to the UK in 2002 to set up my own one-to-one English immersion courses.

In 2008, I started a website to provide online support to my residential students. That website has now evolved into a complete and well-structured online self-study English course with thousands of members. Please check out my website by visiting where you can also connect with me directly.

I launched Anglo-Link's YouTube channel in 2011, and I am so grateful to all of you for your tremendous support and your wonderful comments in the past eight years. I'm excited to continue providing you with many more interesting lessons here and on my website.

Happy studies to you all!

speak English with confidence,speak English confidently,speak English easily,speak English fluently,improve English speaking,improve spoken English,improve English grammar,improve English vocabulary,common mistakes in English,common errors in English,fix English grammar mistakes,fix English vocabulary errors,sometime,some time,sometimes,correct English grammar,improve English fluency,speak English fluently and confidently,correct English sentences,

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