
Help Save Our Schools! Toms River School District

Help Save Our Schools! Toms River School District Welcome to Toms River South, a school that (unlike most schools) isnt known for drugs or alcohol. No its known for pride and spirit. Sadly, due to the S2 bill that is all going to be taken away. Basically we arent getting millions of dollars in state funds.
Now that u know whats going on I can tell you how this effects me. Every fall friday everyone goes to the football game. I cant imagine going home on a Fall Friday not excited for the game later on. I cant picture the school without the clubs and sporting events I have gone to where I have met countless friends. Many kids (including me) will lose out on scholarships for college with the loss of sports and arts. Can u see the yearbook without any sports, arts, or events? How about no updates in the morning on the announcements for clubs and sports? South is actually a school that I, and most people, enjoy going to but that will all change once the funding is gone. Not to mention we are one of the highest affected by the opioid crisis, not something everyone wants to see infiltrate our loving and supporting school once the things that keep kids out of drugs is gone. I have been to many schools that are known for horrible things, south isnt one of them, so dont let it be.


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