
Is Your Practice Safe

Is Your Practice Safe We are in the middle of some horrific FIRES 🔥 all across the country.

It is really sad to see how many homes are lost, families being displaced and animals losing their natural habitat.

In recent weeks, fire warnings have gone from severe to catastrophic.

These warnings are real and scary.
It is created because of the PERFECT circumstances.

Hot Weather. Lack of rain. Dry conditions for months. And high winds.

All of these factors create the perfect situation for disasters in terms of FIRE 🔥.

In practice, there are circumstances that can spell disasters to our business as well. But unlike regular warnings we receive from fire services... our practices don’t usually have ANYONE telling us about these poor conditions.

In reality, we are often our own FIRE departments for our business. And sometimes, we don’t know what we are looking for.

I have seen too many practitioners ignore, hide and even run 🏃‍♂️ away from looking at these situations.

Here are a few important (but not limited) areas we need to be on the look 👀 out for when you trying to prevent your practice from going up in FLAMES 🔥!

COUNTER - Every practice needs to have a counter that acts like a DASHBOARD. A dashboard of metrics that you are measuring to ensure you spot any anomalies that might catch you off guard. In this video, I will show you a few metrics you should consider.

CULTURE - The team culture is one of my most important signs of success or trouble. When there is a lack of cohesiveness, communications and connection in a team environment... this is palpable from the individual team members to every patient or client in the practice.

COURSE - If the business does not have a course of action, or a strategic plan that help steer or guide the business in the right direction... this usually leaves the business STUCK in standstill or a plateau.To prevent your practice from being in stuck in a bad situation... it is best to be better prepared BEFORE conditions reach severe or catastrophic situations.

Chiropractic,Laurence Tham,drive your practice,nitro,culture,course,counter,practitioners,team,client,patient,strategic plan,

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