
How to Enrich Your Diet with Oatmeal? Using Oatmeal in Snacks

How to Enrich Your Diet with Oatmeal? Using Oatmeal in Snacks πŸ‘ Become a Patron:
How to Enrich Your Diet with Oatmeal? Using Oatmeal in Snacks
Buy or make oatmeal cookies. If you're looking for a sweet treat, oatmeal cookies are a quick and easy staple that may be one of the healthiest cookies you can eat. Traditionally raisins are included, but you can add whatever dried fruit, nuts, or other flavors you like. If you're not much of a baker yourself, you can find oatmeal cookies at any grocery store. Try to buy the ones from the store's bakery rather than the commercial cookies found in the center aisles, which may have artificial flavors, preservatives, and added sugar. Oatmeal cookies typically are gluten-free, but if you're buying packaged cookies in the store and you're on a gluten-free diet, check labels carefully to make sure.

--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:04 Buy or make oatmeal cookies
00:40 Substitute rolled oats for flour in baked goods
01:09 Make your own granola
01:37 Add oatmeal to a fruit smoothie

--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Enrich-Your-Diet-with-Oatmeal (wikihow & authors)

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how to Enrich Your Diet with Oatmeal,Buy or make oatmeal cookies,Substitute rolled oats for flour in baked goods,Make your own granola,Add oatmeal to a fruit smoothie,Oatmeal and Porridge,DIY,how to,

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