
Riding without helmets? Messed up face fixed bit by bit like a jigsaw puzzle by maxillofacial surgen

Riding without helmets? Messed up face fixed bit by bit like a jigsaw puzzle by maxillofacial surgen This patient was riding a two wheeler when he met with a road traffic accident. He fell down on the left side of his face, sustained lacerations and severe bruising and bleeding from the nose and from the face. He was rescued and taken to a nearby hospital for FirstAid treatment. Thereafter he was referred for a CT scan and in the CT scan showed the various facial fractures. With the CT reports, that patient decided to meet up with Dr Sunil Richardson, maxillofacial and Craniofacial surgeon.

What is the diagnosis?

The CT scan showed multiple facial bone fractures surrounding the bones of the eye and on the cheek bones. The upper jaw was also fractured. The law jaw was not fractured. The forehead was also not fractured. They fractures were involving the lateral and medial aspect. The eyesocket is otherwise a referred to as the orbital bones. The cheek bones or the malar bones was also fractured. The zygomatic arch was also fractured along with the zygomatic buttress.

What was done by Dr Sunil a Richardson?

The various facial fractures well first of all approached with incisions that were not obvious. The incisions very inconspicuous all well hidden so that the scars will not be noticeable at a later stage. Lower blepharoplasty approach was used. Lacerations that happened during the accident but also made use of. All the bones were reduced and fixed using multiple titanium plates and screws.
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