
Roman Nikitov. How do find companies for invested. | SV Secrets

Roman Nikitov. How do  find companies for invested.  |  SV Secrets Roman Nikitov - Co-Head of Venture Capital and Technology Investment at ICU
ICU Investment Group entered the venture capital market in the fall of 2017.
So far, they have made seven investments in startups, among which there are both Ukrainian projects - Petcube, Hideez, 3D Look, Apostera, and international.

I'm Roman Nikitov and I come from Kiev, and represent ICU ventures, this is an early-stage venture capital firm which invests in companies that have ambition global ambition, and you know, global potential, we do focus on the companies that come from Eastern Europe, or sort of as we like to say have Eastern European DNA. We would like to bring these companies into the bigger audience and the bigger pools of capital right her.

0:50 Introduce Roman Nikitov
1:16 Invested in American companies in Silicon Valley as well
2:11 How do find companies for invested. How do decide that that's company deserves to be in your portfolio?
3:14 Do you lead a deal or you join the syndication?
4:02 How do you can you look at your portfolio now and see have you had any exits yet?
4:50 The continuous evaluation is to see the health of a company throughout
5:57 You don't want to run the company instead of the CEO right, you just, when people say that venture capital is smart money. What is the definition of smart for you?
7:13 What mistakes do you think portfolio companies usually make, if you just typical and your own mistakes. Can you like whatever you want to do first. Have you made any mistakes?
10:06 It is important to understand that who exactly is your customer!
12:30 What trends do you see. Do you follow trends or do you follow trends. What is that you see now?
18:21 Would you rather be looking for companies without potential to disrupt and change and potential the company unicorns, or just companies that are solid they understand or maybe they're growing slower so they're gazelles not unicorns.

We’ll share interesting facts of investments in startups, conferences, and education hacks for beginner investors and entrepreneurs.

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Legal structure of the transaction

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