Automation and systems are amazing, but I don't think I really understood how important these tools and systems are... until now.
Taking a few weeks away to be with family was something that I'm so grateful for, and it also freaked me out. Like... I had crazy pangs of anxiety.
I was worried clients would be mad. I was worried our biz systems would crash.
The biggest lesson... Not only were there no issues, things were great while I was gone! 🤣🤣🤣
What does that mean?
Well, 1st of all... Our team is AMAZING!
And also...
Our clients are amazing.
We actually have systems and tools that WORK.
I started every call this week with moment of deep gratitude.
While I'm not fully up to steam yet... I'm coming back, and I'm ready to share some major tips that can help you to step away if you need to.just in time for the holidays.